Thursday, February 22, 2024

On mommy content

There was a time when I thought Christian mommy content was less than. I’m sorry, I was a single woman taking seminary classes and my lack of wisdom and love for study made me narrow-minded. I’ve since changed my tune, sort of. 

Life as a mother exposes you to so much lived experience of God’s character. His sovereignty and strength in the face of anxiety and weakness. His kindness and mercy contrasted against your anger and impatience. The list goes on and on. The furnace of motherhood has sanctified me like no other, and the same fountain of blessings has opened my eyes to the vastness of God’s steadfast loving kindness. 

Praise God for content creators that point us to Christ and his truth through the lens of motherhood. 

And yet, what many of these creators do not do is dive into the wellspring of truth in the Scriptures. How often do you see these accounts referencing Old Testament prophets, narrative, or even passages longer than a couple verses? Not often, and usually by design. 

These content creators are targeting gospel truths for specific pain points. Praise God for that, it is so helpful. 

But it is not enough. God’s Word is so rich in its balance and complexity. For every encouragement that our sins are washed away and forgotten, there is a command to be perfect. Jesus is glorified as the good shepherd, but also as the victorious King with a robe dyed in rivers of the blood of his enemies.

If we seek out the Bible only to address specific issues, we will get an unbalanced view of the truth. 

So here’s a challenge to the mothers and women who are bogged down by busy schedules. Use the mommy content, be blessed by it, but do not let it be the main course of what you consume. 

I know you know, all Scripture is God-breathed and useful, no, crucial, and delightful and good for us! 

He is worthy of our efforts to mine the jewels of God’s Word. He commands us to fix our minds on heavenly things. His Word is a wellspring that shouts in each passage: glory, glory, glory! 

The Bible is not just for making it through another difficult day as a mom (though it is absolutely helpful to that end). Like all things, it is from him and through him and for him. Soli deo gloria. 

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