Saturday, April 11, 2020

Sugar and Screentime for Suffering

They say when you have a craving for carbs your brain mimics that of one with a drug addiction. And quite frankly we already know that tv and video games and social media are all designed to get us hooked. 

But if you’re like me, you tend to foolishly approach these dangerous substances as though you are a master of self-control. The number of times I’ve downloaded and deleted Amazon Prime Video tells how often I’ve re-enslaved myself to my tv addiction.   

In the midst of the pandemic we are encouraged to let loose. Quarantine-15. World Health Organization encourages playing video games and Gamestop deems itself an essential business. Even Christian podcasters ask each other “what are you binge-watching lately?” 

These are not things to be indulged in carelessly, friends. Not only are they extremely addictive, they are stubborn idols of the heart that will refuse to step aside once the pandemic has come and gone. 

Now I want to be clear, I am not suggesting a religion of asceticism that says black and white “do not taste do not touch” equals holiness. God has indeed given us many good things in this world to enjoy.

But somehow I found myself stressed out from news headlines and turning to find comfort in a tub of icecream. Watching a movie to forget about it all. I let my minor suffering excuse running to my earthly slave-masters instead of to my God. 

So how does God want us to cope during COVID-19? 

James asks us, “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray.”

Timothy is told to endure suffering. Be sober minded. And do the work of an evangelist. 

Paul says he suffered the loss of all things and counted them rubbish in order to gain Christ. That in sharing in the sufferings of Christ, he strains forward. He presses on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God. 

The Thessalonians suffer as they are hindered from preaching the gospel, driven out, and even killed for their faithful proclamation. In the midst of this they are seen to be abounding in brotherly love toward one another and commended for their work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in Jesus Christ. They are walking in a manner that pleases God. And Paul prays for them to do so more and more. 

It would be way too simple to say, “Hey! Stop with your carboloading and endless screen time and just go do works of faith.”

We are weak humans who are easily derailed from pursuing righteousness by all manners of suffering. 

But I trust that, as it had to the Thessalonians, the gospel has come to you in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction (1 Thess 1:5). In affliction you have the joy of the Holy Spirit (1:6). You too, have turned to God from idols and serve the living and true God (1:9). Through recent times, the tempter has tempted you (3:5). But you can stand fast in the Lord (3:8). You are to control your body in holiness and honor (4:4). Which you can only do because God has given his Holy Spirit to you (4:8). 

My friends, I desire for you what I desire for myself. That we would not enslave ourselves to sin, but that in every season we would turn to the Lord in prayer and flourish in our faith. 

Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it. (5:23)