Thursday, November 15, 2018

Wonderfully and Fearfully Made

"Quickening": the first moment a mother feels her baby's movement in the womb

It's a shame we don't use this word much anymore. Admittedly, baby's first movements feel more like gas moving around your insides (so sweet right?) than anything else. But the word calls attention to the moment a mama feels the truth and reality of what has been taking place in her womb for quite some time: the knitting together of a soul, a child that is an image-bearer of God. 

Pregnancy comes with many spiritual lessons. I have been genuinely humbled to realize anew that there is truly nothing good in me. When stripped of even the least bit of my health and comfort and emotional stability, what rears its ugly head is again the old man, the flesh which cherishes complaining, relishes in lashing out in frustration, and joyfully entertains idolatrous thoughts of self and the "justice" in being upset or lazy or self-centered. 

Personal sanctification aside, pregnancy has also taught me how badly our modern culture has twisted the focus of Psalm 139:14 "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." First off, you don't usually even hear the second half of that verse as it's used in every teenage girl's devotional as a "you are beautiful, you are wonderful, you are fearful(?)" as if the focus is on how precious you are, and don't you forget it you special snowflake! Let me present a different focus. I have walked around for the past 6 months eating and sleeping and thinking nothing of the miraculous work that is taking place in my womb. I make absolutely zero physical or mental exertion (besides avoiding deli meat and raw food), toward the making of the baby inside me, and yet today Martyn has arms and legs and functioning organs and is practicing breathing and has his eyes open!! A wonderful and fearfully powerful act is going on in my body, and it is 110% the handiwork of the Sovereign God. 

On that note, it is not my "right" that creates life, a person and a soul, in my womb, it is God's divine prerogative. Anyone who has struggled with infertility is soberly aware of that fact. And it is not my "right" to take tools of destruction into my body and destroy the work that God has done, and vacuum it out like life was never present in my flesh. Like a soul was not there just a moment before, kicking and squirming and letting me know he doesn't like it when I lean on that side of my body because it squishes his space. The knitting together of a person is a wonderful work of God, my soul now knows it well. 

All to say, my understanding of God's sovereignty had not previously extended into the "secret place/depths" of my womb, but now I know and I praise God that it is His jurisdiction and that He rules and watches over everything in the universe. Lord, thank you for providing everything this baby needs to be formed into an image-bearer of you. May his soul bring much glory unto your name by the grace and mercy of your salvation.