The emphasis I settled on was that of consecration of people, for the divine purpose of the Lord:
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." - Jeremiah 1:5
Now, I recognize that I'm not exactly an Old Testament prophet called to be the mouthpiece of God. But I know that my Lord has known me from the womb, from eternity before my birth, and that He has a divine purpose for me - to bring glory to His name. But I wasn't really sure what that looked like. I considered the pictures I had in my head of people set apart for the Lord - the missionary who sells all his belongings to live forever in a foreign land, the 18th century hymn-writer who memorized the entire New Testament instead of going and enjoying the local entertainment of the age, the passionate revival prayer warrior who does not shy away from making every Facebook post and every IRL conversation about the glory of Christ.
I wondered, Lord how shall I be set apart? What shall I be for your kingdom? The consecrated life can look like so many things. What earthly pleasures must I flee from and what commandments shall I most embrace?
I set the thoughts aside and was swept up in the busy schedule of taking my first online course with Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. My reasons for taking the class and beginning my pursuit of an MA in Theological Studies were pretty simple - it will aid me in becoming a better worshipper of God, and I would like the option in the future to pursue a PhD in Christian academia. My nonchalance about all of it was shattered last Friday when I realized that I had completely misread the syllabus. What I thought was a roughly 9 hour commitment throughout the week was more like .. honestly I'm still not sure how many hours. Somewhere along the lines of every day after work, every commute back and forth, and if I wasn't absolutely diligent, all day Saturday. At first I thought I could buckle down and do it, it's only 8 weeks. And then I realized this was a long term goal, my life might look like this for the next 3 years. (and in Deb's words "probably longer" haha).
Three years, I'll be 26 when I'm finished with this degree. All of a sudden, my feelings of panic and despair went away, and I was pleased to consider that I would have to cling to the Lord for help for the next 3 years. I would be a 23 year old, coming home from work every day to pour over Christian textbooks, devoting my first fruits of youth, time, health, energy, to the wonderful effort of studying God's Word. What better way to be set apart for the Lord? I was filled with joy and peace in the thought of being able to live diligently and intentionally for the glory of God in this way for the foreseeable future.
That was last week. Today, I came home and watched some Youtube videos while eating dinner. Got on my phone and scanned through Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Pinterest. And then when my mom came home and started nagging as she does in her love, I sassed her. Told her she doesn't do anything but nag. My dad asked me what time I would be leaving for work tomorrow (if I don't leave early he is happy to drop me off every morning). I got annoyed. Next thing I knew it was 10pm, I hadn't done any of my readings, and I remembered that when I procrastinate I eat snacks. I feel fat, I haven't been able to set aside time to go to the gym, and I'm frustrated with my own lack of discipline. How can I claim to be entering a season of dying to my self and being set apart for the Lord if I can't even love my own parents? If I can't even overcome my own laziness?
I cannot, except by the power of the Spirit in me. I know this, sin comes forth from my core. But man, this class is showing me my ugliness anew. And I am thankful for this too, for the Lord saves me from myself. He sheds me of my sinfulness by His grace alone. He releases for me the shackles of laziness and self-service. Oh Lord be merciful to me, I am a sinner through and through. Please refine me, remove from me the sinfulness that is everything of me, and remind me of this truth:
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."
- Galatians 2:20